Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Life in Pictures

In light of my son's first birthday this month, I have been reminiscing on the past year. And as a rather verbose mom, I also have ten-thousand things I'd like to share. But I've decided to sum up my thoughts on life with a one year-old in pictures today, mostly because I am running short on time for such writing (it is the Lenten Season for this Pastor Mom)...

I will say this. As much excitement as a new baby brings, I am LOVING being the mother of a one year-old (even in the midst of his burgeoning red-head personality expressions, chatter, and scream-talk). So here's the wonder of being a one year-old in pictures...


  1. What a cutie!! What a blessing!!! Thank you for sharing!!!

    1. Thanks! It's such a joy to spread the good news of mothering. He has changed me in many good ways, and I love to see him develop into his own (albeit occasionally defiant) person!
