Wednesday, November 4, 2015

hold you and hug you, kiss you and love you.

Perhaps it's the fog outside, or the dropping temps, or the fact that I'm working from home today (and when mom is on the computer, Briggs likes a little more attention!) But for whatever reason, Briggs is a little more cuddly, and I welcome these cuddles with my whole evidenced by my spontaneous outburst of joy and affection.

"Oh, I just want to hold you and hug you, kiss you and love you."

Really, I feel these things every day with Briggs. He is easy and enjoyable to love.

But my thoughts turn toward others in my life, to whom I don't often find myself saying such warm and loving sentiments...and I wonder, why not? Why don't I extend the same spontaneous outburst of joy and affection toward others I love? Or even toward those who are difficult to love?

After all, Briggs can be difficult too. He can try my patience with the best of them. He can frustrate me, and sometimes his behavior even calls me to question my abilities as a mom. Yet almost like reflex, I respond to him with open arms of love and warmth.

And so I wonder, on this foggy morning, maybe I can learn to do the same for others? Maybe being a mom is teaching me how to love in the midst of frustration, to show affection even when I feel wronged. Maybe I can learn lessons of love from Briggs and apply them to every other child of God that I encounter throughout my day.

Am I up for this tall order? Can I truly allow myself to apply what I learn from my son into other facets of life with others? I'm optimistic. I think it's the part of getting older that can be potentially rewarding. My perspective deepens, and I begin to recognize that life is too short to not be open to moments when spontaneous outbursts of joy and affection are what is most needed.

Thank you Briggs, for preparing me to be a better human, simply by enjoying you as my son.

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