Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Blaire update- that whole trachea thing...

Signing into my blog today, I realized that my last post was my "momma bear" moment, from which came several enlightening conversations and words of encouragement. Thank you.

Today I don't want to rant, because today Blaire-girl is 5 months old, and I'd prefer to celebrate!

With the rapid passing of time (seriously, 5 months!!!), it dawned on me that I haven't given much of an update on her trachea condition. Sometimes good news sneaks up on me, as it certainly has with Blaire. The short of it is this- she's doing MUCH better! I recall a month or so back as we were nursing, my fingers entwined in hers, I thought to myself, "Wow, this is so peaceful!" And a few similar nursing sessions later, I realized that the peace I sensed was twofold: the absence of her noisy breathing, yes, but also the slow dismantling of my own anxieties over her condition. Quiet, calm, "normal" sounding baby breaths? That's my girl, Blaire, that's my girl.

She still struggles a little for breath when she's crying harder than usual...but this rarely happens because she's such a content little bundle of sleeping bliss most of the day. And for this I will give God thanks a million times over. She is truly a delight. The grins she gives her daddy, the baby giggles she gives her proud big brother, the sensation of mutual satisfaction we share as baby and nursing mom. The intrigue with which she scans a room full of folks she meets on mommy's many pastoral adventures. The goofy faces and high-pitched noises she's begun to explore for herself. These are all gifts I don't hold quite as lightly as I might have, had she been born without breathing issues.

So yes, sometimes good news sneaks up on me, and when I finally realize it, I share it with the world. Because good news, like the wonders of God's healing hands, is too wonderful to keep to myself.

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