Tuesday, April 15, 2014

God Smiled at Me

I struggled this week to find an appropriate title. Here were some of the runner-ups:

Motherhood: Take Five
The Land of the Living
I See the Light
On Being Human Again

But God Smiled at Me works great for a number of reasons:

1.       Mothering Briggs brought me more joy and awe this week than any week prior, not because Briggs was less awesome the first month of his life, but simply because I felt less awesome and therefore was more consumed with me than I ever wish to be again.

2.       I have been sleeping well(ish) consistently, making me much more eager to celebrate the beauty of this life I’ve been given to share with AJ, Briggs, and everyone I encounter.

3.       Speaking of this life, the best way I can describe how I feel now compared with the first four weeks is captured in the alternate titles- I re-entered the land of the living, I see the light at the end of this maddening breastfeeding path, and in week five I might even be starting to enjoy it!

4.       I do believe I am falling in love with Briggs more each day…to the point of concern. Last night after AJ held him for awhile, I took him back in my arms and was afraid I might squeeze him a little too hard! Calm down, Emily… he is a hefty 5 week-old, but an infant none-the-less.

5.       My mastitis has finally cleared (knock on all the wood you can find). I know it can return, but I am incredibly grateful to my dear friend Molly who used her lactation consultant expertise (and personal experience) to help me discover the wonders of lecithin!

6.       And the main reason I chose this title…as of Sunday I am the newest pastor to be called to Columbia Congregational UCC (a small rural church with a wonderfully supportive congregation)!!!

This call has been a LONG time coming through God’s creative process. From the time I was 15 years old, I knew I was going to be in ministry. Since that time, I have embarked on an educational and experiential journey that has brought me to this moment. 13 years after my initial sense of calling, I have a concrete call to a church as their pastor! God indeed smiled upon my family and me this weekend. I could not ask for a more supportive husband than AJ & a better people-magnet than Briggs!

The best part of this call is the fact that the church’s expectations of my schedule are flexible enough for me to stay home with Briggs most of the work-week AND I have four months of maternity time before I officially begin! God indeed smiled upon this Munger family, and I am incredibly and whole-heartedly grateful for a week back in the land of the living.