Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Not a clue...

We are nearly 3 months into this parenting business. Next week, our darling will have hit that momentous age at which he truly comes alive (not in the “definition of life” sense, but in the “leaving the so-called 4th trimester” sense). I previously acknowledged that my mother’s intuition is strong enough to send me straight to google with questions of all sorts. I’m now three months in, however, and I secretly hoped that perhaps by this time I’d have a clue.

Like, a “built-up” mother’s intuition, or something of that sort.

But so far, not a chance.

I want to say that I “know” my child- as in, I know what his smile looks like, I know that crying means he needs something, I know that he is a baby… oh wait, that’s common knowledge. It’s the details a mother is supposed to know:

What makes him spit up vs. not spit up?
Why does he go from happy to screaming in one second?
How long should he nap?
What are his favorite toys?
If he cries during a nap, does it mean he is still tired or he is ready to wake up?
How much does he eat in one feeding?
Why does he never eat/sleep/play in the same order, despite all attempts at setting a schedule?
Does he thrive best with a schedule or on his own timing?
Why does he go to sleep perfectly at Grandma’s house, yet cry for 1.5 hours in his own crib?
Will he poop today? Five times in one day? Wait five days before pooping?
Does being in active environments tire him out? Over-stimulate him? Both? Neither?

I don’t have a clue.

These might seem like silly questions, but ask any new mom, and they run through our heads constantly (or ask my husband…last night after I mentioned half-a-dozen hypotheses regarding Briggs’ inability to fall asleep, AJ said (tongue-in-cheek) “Or maybe he has an unsolved math problem stuck in his head.” Very funny, AJ.)

People assume I know the answers, which of course I don’t. I will tell you something (quite assuredly) one day, and recant my so-called knowledge the next.

Even so, I have discovered three things for sure:

1. My academic/inquiring nature only serves me well in so far as I don’t go crazy when answers aren’t easily obtained using the “google it” method.
2. As soon as I figure Briggs out, he changes.
3. Briggs knows me and seems content with me as a mother, despite me having no clue.

Oh! and…drive-thru restaurants are a mother’s best friend.

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