Friday, August 19, 2016

We know more! (sort of)

It's Friday, both kids are napping, and this is the first I've had to collect my thoughts this week.

First thought? I'm. So. Exhausted.

Second? Oh, I haven't updated my facebook family on Blaire's check-up results.

The short of it: "She'll be fine. But watch her. But she'll grow out of it. But bring her in if anything changes or if her breathing gets worse."

The long of it: After sticking a camera down her nose, the doc found out that her airway does collapse when she breathes. So, he confirmed our primary doc's original hypothesis of trachiomalacia, only he calls it by a different name: Laryngomalacia. He used the two terms interchangeably, really. But his online medical report uses laryngomalacia, which just means I have to learn to pronounce another medical term (or maybe just stick with windpipe). I asked about "severity" and he said he can't say what portion of her trachia collapses, or how the tissue closes in on the larynx... he just could tell that it does.  That's why I don't feel as if we know much more than we originally thought. Generally speaking, however, it's mild if it doesn't affect her eating/sleeping. And there's no sign of that with this little angel!

As Shirley remarks, "I'm pretty sure we're the youngest and older church members right here!"

I can say that I entered that clinic much more nervous than when I left. And for that I'm extremely grateful. I'm also grateful for the amazing amount of emotional support I've received from so many of you! Her breathing situation isn't perfect, (and I can tell my anxiety shoots through the roof when she's crying) but I do think she'll be just fine.

I'm realizing yet again how dramatically my emotional well-being is tied to that of my children. And if there's a silver lining in all this, it's a reminder that if I care this much for my children, how much more God must surely care for us!

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