Sunday, July 7, 2013

This is the Life...

Life at the Lake. In Pictures.

Here's to making up for a few weeks of slacking on the updates....

An evening fire and full moon. Ahhhh.

AJ performing a tricky maneuver with the moon

Me being just as tricky!

Fishing at the Missouri River on the 4th of July with AJ & his dad

My view as I watched for the pole to "start jumping around" (it was usually snags)

My nephew posing for the best advertisement Eagle Pass Ranch has seen!

JJ sure loves his boat, which he adored both on land and in the water

My sister, nephew, and I cruising in our awesome boat!

"This is the life." I'm pretty sure he said those words as he closed his eyes and smirked.

Covering himself with sand, with the help of Uncle AJ

Two cheeses are better than one!

I asked JJ to pose by my flowers- he liked the door better.

Finally, our first peas I picked from the garden tonight- will become a snack for me at work tomorrow! Also, the impetus for this blog post, since AJ remarked "you better blog about them. You've been slacking."

I am beginning my fourth week as the Academic Support Specialist at Presentation College tomorrow, and as I was reflecting this evening with AJ on a walk around the lake, I realized that I am in a good place... a good job, a lovely house, a wonderful family, a husband who loves me every day, a bountiful garden, friendly neighbors and co-workers, and weather that reminds me of God's presence. Today I am grateful, and tomorrow I will renew my sense of appreciation, for gratitude truly satisfies the soul.