Thursday, December 28, 2017

A Belated Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to our dear friends and family,

It's been a few years since we've sent a Christmas update. Given the billion changes in our lives the past year (including new mailing address- email me at if you don't have it yet!), we thought it sensible to send a Munger Highlights your way! We send this letter in hopes it might reflect the Light that shines this time of year, illuminating the shadows of life. Our light is Jesus Christ, and I give thanks for the guidance we have received in navigating the unknown darkness of 2017.

Here's a bit of our story:
·        In January I resigned my first call at Columbia UCC, my mother endured the brutality of a stem-cell transplant, and I was diagnosed with Melanoma skin cancer on my left shoulder.
·        In February I went through 2 subsequent surgeries, and spent the next few months choking back tears as I struggled to care for myself and my nursing daughter, all while lamenting my inability to offer my mother more care.
·        In March I applied for a new church call, readied our household for a potential move, and learned exactly how demanding staying home full-time with Briggs (now 3.5) & Blaire (now 1.5) truly is!
·        In April I officially received a new call to First Congregational UCC in Pierre, SD; we sold our home on Mina Lake quite quickly (thank you, Jesus & HGTV!), which left us "nomads" for a few months.
·        We spent the summer in transition. Living for awhile at the ranch, traveling to see friends and family, (and to our great relief) securing a home in Pierre.
·        In August I began my new call (love it!!), and the past few months have been a joyful whirlwind of transition (i.e. no blogging). Establishing new relationships, settling the kids into full-time day care (also love it!), and acquainting ourselves with the adorable town of Pierre, SD. Come visit us anytime, seriously!
·        Oh yes, I promise this IS an entire Munger household update! :) AJ has been occupied with a major role-transition within Eagle Pass Ranch management this year. He is grateful and pleased with all the changes taking place, and our new home makes the drive more manageable, but still busy-busy! He's also board chair for a new Bull Stud operation, ask him for more details. :)
·        Briggs is feisty, a great negotiator "how about that deal, mom?" charming, imaginative, cuddly, and sweet "I love you ALL the time." Blaire is toddling around, great at getting exactly what she wants, and melting everyone's heart with her keen smile and sparkly eyes. She especially loves big brother.

All told, we are terribly lucky to be living the lives we have, and give thanks often for the undeserved treasures we have been given. Our light of 2017 included the countless ways we felt support from friends and family, so thanks for all you mean to us. We are ready to pass along the goodness to others this Christmas and New Year!

In lieu of an actual "Christmas card photo," (Lord knows I try every year, but don't always succeed!) here's some snapshots of our Winter season:

Briggs and Blaire LOVE this nativity on their way into daycare each day.

Briggs and Daddy took up goose hunting this fall

Taking a break while checking out the Capitol Christmas trees

Blaire is growing like a flower!

Out front of the Capitol, we really do love it here in Piere

Briggs with his annual ornament from grandma

A tired but happy crew after a beautiful Christmas Eve service

Love,    Emily, AJ, Briggs, and Blaire Munger                            Dec. 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

So let me dust off this blog’s cobwebs for a minute and tell you about an end to a significant relationship in my life.

It’s one that’s given me a great sense of fulfillment, but has also drained my every reserve of strength. I haven’t taken this relationship  for granted one second, but have occasionally found myself wanting out.

And this weekend marks the official end.

Blaire and I have ended our nursing relationship. At the age of 15 months, this little darling will be saying goodbye to momma’s milk.

And of course I’m met with a sort of emotional ambivalence. I’m SO HAPPY to be free, but I mourn the loss of our intimate connection, the feeling of natural provision, most of all- the positive effects the antibodies provide her.

So let me back up (for the sake of mommy nostalgia) and tell the whole relationship story. Blaire has been a nursing champ since day one. It hurt for 3-4 weeks, like most every mom I’ve known has affirmed, but after we settled into the routine, I could not have been more pleased. I was also exhausted, sleep-deprived, hungry all the time…but satisfied. So much so, that I thought of continuing this relationship for quite some time after we moved.

Until this happened: the day we moved from our home in Mina Lake to our temporary place at the ranch, she stopped nursing. I thought it was a strike at first and offered her my breast several times a day for over a month. After a week-long trip away, pumping all the while, I returned to see if she might change her mind and nurse. Nope. So that was that….I could now choose, keep pumping or be done.

My rational husband told me I’d more than exceeded my goal of nursing 12 months, which was true…but something about the abrupt ending did not rest well with me, so I pumped. And pumped. And pumped. I just couldn’t let this relationship go.

Fast forward to now, Blaire’s turned 15 months, she’s (slowly) adjusting to day care, is healthy and happy, and has been drinking cow’s milk like a champ for 3 months. With more than enough ministry to keep me busy, I’ve decided to stop pumping.

Which is, by the way, one of the most anti-climactic experiences ever. I just pumped these last 3 ounces, washed the pump parts, fed Blaire the bottle. And that’s it.

An end to a 15-month relationship with no fanfare or confetti.

So I share the ending with you, because for all the tears and sleepless nights it’s cost me, I wouldn’t have traded these 15 months for anything (I say now, after it’s over). J

Here’s to all the nursing mommas, the momma’s who wanted to nurse but couldn’t, the momma’s who pump like superheros, the momma-figures who find other creative ways to nurture children…All your love is not lost on me.

Monday, February 27, 2017

9 months in...9 months out...what a difference 9 months makes!

Today Blaire is 9 months old, which I suppose is only a number. But it's a significant number for any woman who's recently carried a baby for 9 months of pregnancy. It means our little one has been out of womb for as long as she was in. And I can't be the only mom who enjoys the baby more this side of the womb, can I? I've gotten 9 months with a visible, bubbly, beautiful baby to validate (and even redeem) the many days and weeks of trauma involved with carrying her within. Can I get an 'Amen!?'

Tonight as I rocked my sleepy, yet restless 9 month-old daughter (who is wearing 18-month pajamas), I teared up a bit. Normally I'm too tired and touched-out at that point of the evening to feel any kind of passion, but tonight seems like a turning point. This girl began her life outside the womb with a breathing problem...and 9 months later she is nearly completely healed. So as I nestled Blaire into my arms (which is tricky with a 23lb baby and a fresh skin cancer wound) and listened to her tender purring, I shed a few tears of utter joy.

Joy in the thought of the hardest 9 months behind us, and a successful nursing relationship in full swing.

Joy in the truth that she is my delightful daughter, to nurture and love for as long as we are both here on earth.

Joy in the bizarre contradictions inherent in mothering a baby- endless days with endless wonder; tears of frustration and tears of delight; hysteria and quiet moments alike; relief and anxiety; delight and depression; all of it an expression of love.

My life has felt a little out of balance lately (as evidenced by two months of non-blogging), but I'm taking this moment to relive the past 18 months, to appreciate the most recent 9, and to draw strength from the truth that Blaire is a precious gift who will no longer be a baby another 9 months from now, so I better cherish, cherish, cherish.

You are mine, and I am yours, baby girl. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us both!

Even sick Blaire smiles

Here's to breast milk, fruit and veggies!