Regardless of what triggered the complete depletion of my energy stores (as well as "helped" me "lose" any extra weight from baby), it wasn't fun. Sunday morning I woke up feeling great, thoroughly enjoyed worship, headed home to take photos of one adorable puppy baby (posted previously on facebook), and in the midst of editing those photos, it hit me. Within 8 hours I was so weak I could hardly smile at my lovely son.
That's a momma who's feeling pretty rough.
AJ called the ER and they said it would be best for me to stay home and keep hydrated...which was only possible once my body lost every inkling of potential poison. But around midnight, I started keeping things down, and my appetite picked up in another day or so.
It took two or three days to fully recover, in time to officiate a funeral and finish my work for Sunday. I did cancel class on Tuesday and had conveniently lined up a guest speaker for Thursday, but otherwise I maintained my functionality in (most) ways. My house is a mess, and I didn't work ahead on advent/Christmas ideas like I had planned, but God's grace is good.
In fact, in those life moments when we are forced to slow down (even if it's due to some unexplained illness), I tend to find greater clarity about my priorities.
#1? Restoring my energy so I could replenish my milk supply. Because of our co-dependent physiological relationship at the moment, this means my health = Briggs' health. So prioritizing my recovery was in direct correlation to my desire for Briggs' well being. Thankfully, he was an absolute dear through it all, even sleeping through the night so I could recover. Thanks is also due to Daddy's unwavering attention in caring for both baby and mom.
I'm back on my feet, ready to start again where I left off last week, even more thankful for my health than I've been in quite some time. And above all, I am reminded that I'm only human...and even pastor mom humans sometimes get sick.
Mommy and Briggs celebrating recovery |
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