Monday, September 14, 2015

When Swatting Flies is Fun

I have to say, swatting flies has never been an enjoyable part of my life.

In fact, as they buzz around my ear (maybe in it), flies become such a nuisance that I swat them in a state of frenzy, thoroughly exasperated at how they seem to multiply with each swat.

But this year, during our fly plague of precious 1 1/2 year-old son has officially made swatting flies fun. As he runs around the room, modeling exactly what I now get is my flailing efforts to rid our kitchen of as many pests as possible, I see fly swatting through different eyes.

I see it through the eyes of someone enjoying the chance to expend some energy.
I see it through the eyes of someone trying desperately to learn and grow and gain valuable life skills.
I see it through the eyes of someone looking for adventure.

Seen through the eyes of Briggs, suddenly swatting flies brings a smile to my face. As I sit here, watching my son giggle each time he deliberately swats (what he hopes is a fly), I begin to realize that this relationship between mother and son is a mutual sort. My inclination is to say, "look at how much he's learning from me!" but if I'm honest, the reverse is also true.

Briggs teaches me valuable lessons every day, like how to transform mundane (perhaps even unpleasant) tasks into adventure.

Swatting flies. Pulling weeds. Cooking dinner. Typing emails. Sorting silverware. Folding laundry.

We as moms (and dads) have endless opportunities to learn from our children; what a gift this can be if we take each moment as it comes, keeping an eye out for inherent adventure!

Thanks, kids, for teaching us something new. Thanks, Briggs, for being you.

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