Thursday, June 19, 2014

What DO you DO all day?

It recently came to my attention that my (supportive & affirming) husband is unclear about what occupies my time “all day long.” To be clear, he did not ask me this; rather, he was asked this by another, and it was hard for him to respond. Instead of allowing this pesky question to bend me out of shape, I have decided to answer it for the benefit of all who have never experienced staying home "all day long" on a consistent basis.

Let me begin by addressing a few hidden questions…
No, I do not watch TV
No, I do not take a nap
No, I do not paint my nails—or otherwise pamper myself—nearly as much as I ought.

Had you dropped in on me any given day this past week, you may have found me…

v  Sorting, washing, drying, folding, & sorting again multiple loads of laundry
v  Giving Briggs a bath
v  Taking inventory of our household supplies, creating a list of needed items, and purchasing them with the (slightly distracting) help of an infant alongside
v  Introducing Briggs to the beauty of the outdoors, communicating with him to ensure he develops language capabilities, and playing with him during tummy time
v  Connecting with the outside world and satisfying my extrovert needs via facebook
v  Rearranging our bedding and furniture situation to accommodate the acquisition of a new bed
v  Managing business items pertaining to my new role as a pastor
v  Dusting, vacuuming, tidying, cleaning toilets, washing sinks, removing spider webs
v  Reading books to Briggs so he appreciates this as a life-long skill
v  Sweeping up the crumbs that (not only) I create in the kitchen
v  Holding Briggs, playing and praying with Briggs, reminding Briggs of my constant love and affection
v  Taking a highly-calculated trip into town to drop off recycling, deposit a check, pick up household supplies/prescriptions, and possibly…
v  Nursing Briggs in the back of my vehicle on said “highly-calculated” trip into town
v  Attempting to re-establish Briggs’ schedule after I inevitably mess it up with the “less than calculated” trip into town
v  Gathering and organizing mail and packages, responding to business and personal communication needs, informing my dear husband of schedules and obligations
v  Admiring and appreciating Briggs’ smiles, giggles, and babbling sounds
v  Tracking and managing personal finances, writing checks, calling insurance companies, sorting medical bills
v  Performing the occasional push-up and sit-up
v  Writing this blog, although AJ insists I am not technically a “blogger,” because I am not paid.
v  Cheering when Briggs poops, changing the obvious diaper
v  Weeding the garden, harvesting produce, mowing the lawn, planting flowers, picking up branches
v  Feverishly researching developmental milestones to ensure Briggs is on track
v  Pulling water-logged boat lift tires from the lake
v  Planning and cooking meals that satisfy my never-ending appetite and that of my husband
v  Singing made-up songs to Briggs, many of which are (surprisingly) clever
v  Taking walks with Briggs
v  Attempting to maintain personal health (and hygiene) so I remain productive in my parenting role
v  Putting Briggs down for a nap, getting Briggs up from a nap, putting Briggs down for a nap

Oh…and single-handedly sustaining the life of another human being. That too.

Tummy Time for both of us
The question I feel is more pertinent at this given time is this: “How will I manage to balance all that I currently do with the additional pastoral responsibilities quickly headed my way?” That seems a better question to entertain.

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